Buff Brahma Bantam chicks, one week old, born on 8 April 2013.
My standard grey chinchilla named Diego. (6/2/99 - 5/27/09) He came from the
people at California Chins.
He is very soft, and very cute! September 2002
I have a tropical tank, which has had the whole greek alphabet of
goldfish, guppies, neon tetras, gouramis, sunset platys,
cardinal tetras, zebra danios, a neon dwarf gourami,
a golden chinese algae eater... and an aquatic snail!
My cube mate at work was a blue and black betta named Teddy.
I had a short lived Betta who was turquoise with red fins and a brown head.
His name was Papillon.
I had a red Betta with shiny green fins, who's name was Tron (after
the company Instron, who gave him to me at
MD&M.) (2001-2003)
I had a Betta from a different company at MD&M 2005 named Nikko;
he had red and white fins (d. Nov 2008).
I had a Betta from Kevin named Qui-Gon (June 1999-November 2000). He was blue with red fins.
ABL had a yellow Betta called
Bobba Fett who lived in a bowl under a plant.
My parents have a lab mix named Poi Luna. And my sister has a rat terrier named Electra.
March 2005
My parents had a dog, named Sappho. She was a lab mix. 1999
My poodle, Pupcake, who lived for 14 years with us. December 1994
My rat, Heather-Luna (Oct 16, 1997-Sep 24, 1999) with my sister, Angela. 7/98
My sister has had many rats and a few mice.