Current Timeline for the IC Project

Note: This document has been modified several times from previous versions as our approach has changed. At first, we were planning to start with buying land. However, there are not enough interested parties in the area to make that happen, so we decided that getting a big house would be the best way to launch the project. We did so in the spring of 2000. The plan right now is the keep the house for about 5 years, before moving on to more ambitious stages of community, such as buying land.

Spring 2000:

Bought a large house to begin gathering people and momentum

Summer 2000:

Move into our awesome pad. Have Parties! Lots of Parties!


Fill our house with people, and make it a working, vital community. Use it to learn important lessons for later on when the IC is bigger. Spread the word about the community and gather interest. Get enough people together to make the financials work. Have lots of parties.


Transition to big, land-based IC.

For information on admission to the community, move on.

This website maintained by Patri, last modified 3/2/2000.